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Outreach Programs

B Love Foundation Inc. is a philanthropic organization that focuses on the interpersonal, occupational, and tangible needs of under-represented citizens.  The organization’s objective is to empower disadvantaged citizens with the vital tools to manage family relations, cultivate employable citizens, and build ethical community leaders. B Love Foundation, Inc. promotes social, economic, personal and interpersonal development.


Youth enrichment programs that foster interpersonal and character development, offer athletic enrichment and education programs, instill life and team building skills and cultivate ethical decision makers.


Youth enrichment programs include:

  • Arts and Crafts Development

    • Comfort Cushion ​Campaign

  • Life Skills Athletic Enrichment Program

  • Young Entrepreneurs Program

  • Transitioning Student Achievement Program (TSAP)

The Transitioning Citizen Assistance Program ("TCAP") helps underrepresented people re-integrate into society as employable citizens and restore hope from life's transition through education, training and workshops. The program emphasizes job readiness services, behavioral awareness training, occupational safety training, and supportive services.

Occupational empowerment programs include:


  • Behavioral and Occupational Safety Program

  • Vocation Development Assistance Program

  • Transitioning Citizens Assistance Program (TCAP)

  • Safety Outreach Training 

    • A focus on companies with high hazard, injury, and language barriers.​


Welcome, Patrick!

B Love would like to welcome Patrick Fitch as our Community Outreach Director!


Provide access to housing and information on support services for veterans and senior citizens in transition.​ 


Supportive Services include: 

  • Housing and Furnishing Assistance

  • Refuge To Recovery Program

  • Employable Citizens Assistance Program

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